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Build Schedules

Using build schedules, test suites can be scheduled at a given time. Repetition rate is also available and it can be used to repeat running the test suites at a given rate. The following repetition rates are available:

  • Hourly - Having a build schedule running Hourly might involve making sure the test suites in it don't take more than 1 hour to run individually, otherwise, the builds won't finish, ending up canceling one another.
  • EveryFourHours
  • EveryTwelveHours
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • EveryWeekday
  • Build schedules are checked every 15 minutes, respectively at minute 00, 15, 30 and 45. Having a build schedule set to start at any minute between those intervals, will make it run at the next check. e.g. If a build schedule is scheduled to run at 00:10, then it will run at 00:15.
  • Currently a test suite can only be linked to one build schedule at a time.