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Toggle Test Suite Automatic Threshold

The following mutation toggles automatic threshold on a test suite:

mutation ToggleTestSuiteAutomaticTreshold(
$testSuiteId: ObjectID!
$automaticThreshold: Boolean!
$automaticThresholdEnabledForAll: Boolean
) {
input: {
testSuiteId: $testSuiteId
automaticThreshold: $automaticThreshold
automaticThresholdEnabledForAll: $automaticThresholdEnabledForAll
) {
testSuite {

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There are 3 options to set the automatic threshold:

  • automaticThreshold set to false and automaticThresholdEnabledForAll set to false - The automaticThreshold is disabled for all tests in that test suite, no matter the individual test automaticThreshold.
  • automaticThreshold set to true and automaticThresholdEnabledForAll set to false - The automaticThreshold is enabled for the test suite, but the automaticThreshold needs to be set on individual tests, in order to take effect.
  • automaticThreshold set to true and automaticThresholdEnabledForAll set to true - The automaticThreshold is enabled for all tests in that test suite, no matter the individual test automaticThreshold.